About the Human Hedges
Have a tree hug with some amazing real life Hedge Men! Introducing one of the planet’s most quirky, outrageous and downright silly walkabout entertainment acts - The Living Topiary! Straight from the pages of a fairy story these human shaped bushes have come to life to walk, talk and cuddle their way around leading events worldwide.
You’ll never look at your own bush the same way after you meet one of these cheeky trees. They look exactly like the real thing only better, bigger, noisier and funnier. The Living Topiary have caused hilarity wherever they’ve appeared, are you brave enough to have a picture with them? Be careful, you might become part of the entertainment.
Hailing from the UK The Living Topiary have been putting their roots down and making people laugh at events since 2008 having entertained guests at performances in every continent.
"I wish I’d brought my pruning shears”
Prince Charles

The Living Topiary have entertained thousands of people at some amazing places, here are just a few of the wonderful International bookings where they’ve shown off their fabulously funny foliage:
Australia’s National Tree Day 2012 (official entertainers Sydney and Melbourne), Toronto Town Hall Park 2010 (opening of a new public park), Flipside Festival Singapore 2013, Proud To Be Kuwaiti Festival – Kuwait City 2013, Take Another Look – Indonesian Tour 2011, IFC Mall Hong Kong (Official Christmas Entertainers), Visit England Expo 2017 (Las Vegas) Ideal Home Show 2012 – London (Official Entertainers), Virgin Atlantic (Entertainers at events in Amsterdam, Miami, New York and LA), Beeldig Lommel – Belgium (Street theatre festival), Etisalat Egypt Anniversary (Festival in Cairo), F1 Grand Prix (Singapore, Silverstone and Azerbaijan) – plus hundreds of corporate and private events!
"I almost fell off my chair laughing"
Event Magazine

How did these Hilarious Hedges Come About?
The Human Hedges are one of the leading professional walk-about entertainment acts in the business. They are living topiary trees who uproot at events to welcome guests and join in with the party.
First planted in 2008 they were created for a gay wedding in Birmingham in early 2008. Nobody could have foreseen that they'd branch out into the living-breathing-walking-talking-hugging trees that have now entertained thousands of people at events around the planet!
We now have eight Human Hedges in the garden: available for bookings anywhere in the world.
In 2017 some of the Hedges finally came into bloom and became a wonderful new floral act - The Flower People! A beautiful sweet-smelling flower themed entertainment act that is delighting audiences worldwide!

Where are the Human Hedges From and Where do they Perform?
They spend their leisure time in their quiet garden in in the heart of the United Kingdom. They're adventurous trees though, they travel the length and breadth of Great Britain performing at all manner of events.
They love to get their passports stamped too! They travel the world and have appeared at events in every continent.
How Many Hedges Can I Have?
At the present time we have eight Living Topiary Human Hedge entertainers available for hire, they are sociable creatures and don't like to perform alone. They were originally created as a double-act and solo trees can be very shy. Minimum of two Hedges per booking please.
How Much Are The Human Hedges?
The fee for the Hedges varies according to the type of event, how many performances are required and where the event is. As a starting guide their prices start at approximately £290 per Hedge plus expenses (for example return travel, hotel if needed etc). Remember that the Hedges don't perform alone so a minimum of two Hedges per booking please.
Please contact us with the full event information and we will give an accurate quote.

How Many Performances do they do in a Day and What Do They Do?
The trees like to keep fit in their garden to stay healthy and be ready to do as many performances as possible to keep you and your event's guests happy. Their performance times vary according to the exact nature of the event but as a guide they like to stick to the following timings:
For Full Day Events (trade shows, festivals, shopping centre entertainment) they like to do a maximum of 3 or 4 x 40-minute performances.
At these sort of events they like to wander and explore and make people laugh. They love giving Tree-Hugs and posing for pictures. Sometimes they like to decorate people, kidnap people, marry people and help people eat. They're cheeky trees, who knows what they might do next?
For shorter Private Events (Corporate Parties, Weddings etc) they like to do a 40-minute meet and greet performance on the door followed by a quick break and then a 30-minute mix and mingle interacting with guests.
After welcoming everyone in with a tree-hug, the Hedges love to take charge of the catering facilities and act as Hedge-Waiters, handing out nibbles and giggles to guests and making some great scenes for laughter and fun.

What Facilities do we need to book the Human Hedges?
They're simple trees with no need for any special support. All they require is a private dressing room which is safe to keep belongings in and where they can take breaks without being seen.
They cannot use toilets as dressing rooms.
They have no need for any PA or electrical support.
Sometimes at very busy events (shopping centres and festivals for example) they may require assistance from security to protect their foliage - children love to pick the leaves to keep as souvenirs which is very painful to our performing plants.
Anything Else?
Like all plants the Human Hedges are daytime creatures and can't see in the dark. They are not suitable for events with very low lighting as they can't see anything.
Likewise they are averse to boisterous characters and so do not perform at nightclubs or children's parties - sorry kids.